ladies and gentlemen.

well, we have to anounce some news, so we as the lazy asses we are, write some news. hehehe. 

first of, we decided to put some direct links to the itunes-store to each of the noise appeal releases (just go the sub-pages on From now on, it’s easier for you to get directly your downloads. if you want them :-) … 

secondly. reflector and the striggles will do some live-dates together. check out the show-dates to get your date in your area. watch them! both are pretty good live bands and rock …

well and the plague mass will do a release tour through europa. last but not least the release-front. noise15 is in the pressing plant. it will be the new the plague mass album called “living among meat eaters”. It will be a vinyl release. clear transparent vinyl packed in a gatefold artwork. so it will be amazing AND include free download codes for your digital musicplayer. and we release it as a co-production with the lovely people of deaf cult records from Salzburg. it should be out by the early november, when the plague mass will start a big european tour.

noise16/17 is in our minds and will be a blast too. we will keep you up to date as soon as we fixed any ideas. thank you for reading this and see you soon …