one month later, some more news!
the dimitrij record is currently at the pressing plant and should be back latest at the release parties on 3rd of march at the triebwerk/wr. neustadt and on 9th of march at the arena dreiraum/wien. we are looking foward! to watch the cover artwork just visit our release section. to catch the band on stage: visit the show-section. dimitrij is touring the whole fucking year!
what else is going on we are currently in heavy preparing noise10, which will be the fresnel/vancouver split 7″, which should be out somewhen in april – we hope. it’s gonna be a split release with the switzerland based record label division records.
that’s cool!the boys of reflector founded a booking-platform , which features bands like: bug, fuckhead, gonzo, nachtstrom, reflector and more. check it out and book that bands for your noisy party! would be cool …we think, that’s all by now. so check back later on, to get the hottest news of the noise appeal universum.