hello ladies and gentlemen,
first off we hope you had a nice christmas-eve and we hope you will have a superb party to the year 2008. we at noise appeal records want to thank all of you that are interessted in our bands, releases and pieces of art. we want to thank all the bands we have worked with until this day! it was and is always a very special thing to fix a work-together and to see the finished piece of music and packaging after working on this pretty hard …
what can you expect in 2008 we don’t know. we hope some pretty cool releases (maybe not that much, but we will see). we are also working on a new distribution way for the music itself. so be prepared for that. watch the news section ’cause this will be one of the first news we will deliver in 2008. we are thinking about a new release too, but more soon …
worlds between us are touring germany in early february and dimitrij are touring all the time. other bands are busy too, taking a break or searching some replacement (the plague mass are searching a new drummer! so if you are interessted get in touch.). that’s all by now … so check back later on dudettes and dudes … the girl, the boy, the cow and the dog!
ohhhh we got mentioned on vision.de for the first time (in german only). that’s what the guys writting about noise appeal records and two of our releases:
“Ein Geheimtipp für Freunde gepflegten bis brutalen Noiserocks stellt das österreichische Mini-Label Noise Appeal dar, deren Spätsommer-Releases etwas untergingen und hier nachträglich für die frustrierteren Momente der Vorweihnachtszeit empfohlen seien. Da wäre zum einen die EP “Downsides” von Worlds Between Us, fünf Mal sehr fieser Noisecore, der musikalisch böse Widerhaken hat, gesanglich aber zu stoisch am Limit durchbrüllt. Wenn Moshcore der Klang gewordene Hooligan ist, ist das der Klang gewordene Psychopath. Das “knorrige Bäume”-Cover passt nur, wenn hinter den Ulmen gerade gemordet wurde. Aufgeräumter ist da schon die Split-7-Inch von Fresnel und Vancouver (CD bei Division Records), erstere mit instrumentalem Epik-Noise Marke Neurosis, letztere mit sludgigem Hardcore. Alle Bands gibt es natürlich auch bei MySpace und zwar hier, hier und hier.”