vienna is fucking hot! noise appeal aswell. so here we go with some summer-updates you might be interessted in. we had to update our prices and webstore. so some got cheaper, some a bit more expensive (but who cares, we are cheap anyways). some new releases got added. so check it out and get your music for this incredible summer!
brings us to new releases. noise 22 – the striggles “cold song” 10inch is available now. noise 24 – the plague mass “union of egosits” lp too. so hurry up and catch your copy!
some of our bands are doing concerts nearly every day during the summer. so check out the show section where you can find updated lists of whats going on. and hell yeah the fantastic noise rock duo united movement is doing a show in vienna. after years or the like. so if you don’t wanna wait for the next years to see them live note this date and be there: 3rd of august and fluc in vienna!!!!!! fantastic isn’t it?
united movements sisterband “sex on the beach” is working on their debut record, which will get released by noise appeal in late 2010 or early 2011. we will see :-) …
everything said by now. so back to fresh air, smoking some cigarettes (to dirt up the air) and drink some beers. or maybe just read a book. doesn’t matter, but use this years hot summer days … over and out!
ps.: sex jams “post teenage shine” which is released as vinyl via noise appeal is now available as cd-version as well. visit siluhs webstore … or catch the band on tour!