Dirty Talons upcoming self-titled album drops on October 13!

You can pre-order your copy here: https://store.noiseappeal.com/shop/music/dirty-talons-s-t

»Dirty Talons’ self-titled debut album compiles the first two recording sessions the band completed in 2021 and 2022. All basic instrumentals, as well as most lead vocals have been tracked live at Radiokulturhaus in Vienna, Austria in just a few days. While guitarists Marco and Zock, as well as bassist Bernie have released several records together during their time in ASTPAI in the past, this album marks the remarkable physical debut of vocalist Jess Howells.
Jess’ lyrics explore intra- and interpersonal struggles and connections from different perspectives and touch upon themes such as anxiety, love, insecurity, narcissism, anger, loneliness and regret.«